Monday, March 15, 2010

Do not wait to file Bankruptcy

If you have recently considered filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy you need to know that a bill is working its way through Congress that will increase filing fees and the costs of filing a Chapter 7.

So now you know, there will be a cost to procrastination.

Fire the Parents not the Teacher

The Raleigh News and Observer recently reported on a teacher in trouble for blogging about her troubles with her Chemistry students. It seems that the teacher has name consistent with her possibly being Muslim. Apparently the students are not enthusiastic about having a teacher that they believe is not Christian.

The students sought out ways to show their displeasure. These delinquents sang Christian Hymns in their chemistry class, they made a point of giving the teacher Christmas gifts, they wore Christian advocacy tee shirts and they would act like they were reading the Bible during Chemistry.

I fully support the rights of the children to wear any tee shirt that they want and to read anything they want outside of class. I also recognize that these kids are not looking to learn Chemistry they are looking to show that they are smarter and better than their teacher. These efforts to un-nerve the teacher occur everyday; what is different here is that the kids actions are based on religion and the parents interviewed in the article actually supported their kids in their acts of harrasment.

It is disgusting that a parent would pass off signing hymns in class as acceptable behavior. How can a parent argue that if their kid was reading a bible in chemistry class it might be appropriate? These parents are either bigots, hateful, or ignorant.
Multiple writers supported the teachers behavior, yet no one called out these parents for their part in this mess.

What are we learning about some of our Wake County parents with this incident and with the recent school board elections? The citizens of this county should be scared by this upsurge in zenaphobia, religous bigotry and hate. Those with open minds should make sure that it can't be acceptable to harass your neighbor, your teacher or your classmate because of their faith or their place of national origin.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Time Home Buyers

The government is providing first time home buyers with substantial financial incentive to jump into the housing market and buy that first house. In this era of depressed housing prices, low interest rates and limited deductions; go for it and buy a house. This is a great time to buy but I would urge the reader to take the following steps before the closing:

1. Have an attorney review your purchase contract before you sign. Only an attorney can explain how best to add to the "form" contract proposed by your agent in order to best protect your interests.

2. Unless you are buying "as is" you should have the property inspected by a licensed home inspector that can work you through all of the likely problems with your new home.

3. Review the disclosures provided by the Seller. In North Carolina the seller is required to provide the buyer with a disclosure of certain facts regarding the property.

4. If the property has covenants and restrictions, read them. I have seen covenants that limit what trees you can plant and what colors you can paint. Check out your development so you know what you might be facing.

5. Have your attorney hold the earnest money.

6. When you shop for mortgages look at the rate, the costs and do not rule out adjustable rate mortgages if you consider your stay in this home short term.

7. Consider getting a test for radon. I have had multiple NC closings there radon levels have been so high that remediation was necessary under federal guidelines.

8. Always have your own attorney at closing and make sure that an attorney, not a paralegal or secretary, will be walking you through this important investment. Every year dozens of North Carolina real estate attorneys have been forced out of the real estate practice by the NC Bar. You are paying for service, experience and a proven tract record. (If you call a ticket service and say that you want to watch a college basketball game but you only want to spend $20.00 a ticket don't expect to watch championship (UNC) calibre basketball.)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Costs are going up -- Save money act now

Have you been putting off filing for a divorce, name change or other civil action? It is June of 2009 and it may be time to pick up the phone and arrange to file that civil action!

Like other states North Carolina is looking for ways to raise revenue without increasing taxes. Once again the Eye of Morodor (the State Legislator) has turned towards courts costs and fees for income. Filing fees may increase dramatically as soon as the budget is finalized. Acting now may save you more than one hundred ($100) dollars.

Friday, May 1, 2009


The ancients believed that immortality existed. There was a belief that immortals walked among us. Modern thought talks of immortality in terms of genetics. When we have a child that child carries at least a half of the parents genetic material. That genetic material continues through the parents lineage. In a sense by having children a parent becomes imortal. One would argue that our teachers are also, in a sense, immortal. The thoughts, ideas, and concepts of our best teachers are passed on to the teacher's students. The skilled teacher stands before the class and imprints his or her ideas and values upon his class. Great teachers such as Plato have their ideas and teachings passed on though generations and are also in an essence immortal.

What of those that are neither parent nor teacher. Shakespare said that "the evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft inturred with their bones." In Star Trek there was an evil entity that lived on through generations and this entity took over the human host and turned the host into murderers and tyrants. Star Trek postulated that this entity was both immortal and evil. Is pure evil immortal? For generations we will remember the horrors of Gacey, Manson, Hitler and Stalin. Will we retain the same strong memories of our teachers, coaches and professinal role models?

If we are not a great teacher, author, artist or a parent can the avaerage soul gain imortaltiy though his or her actions. Can we prove Shakespere wrong and find imortality though the way we live our life. Perhaps in our death there is a way to meaure how we be remembered. In our death we can identify who will remember our name, our achievements and our deeds. How extraordinary must we be to gain some form of recognition, some form of immortality?

Is there a link between the number of mourners at a funeral and the moral quality of the deceased. Do we earn the presence and respect of the mornors though our actions in life? The other day there was a funeral of a young child. This girl's life was snuffed out by a meaningless murder. The girl's portfolio consisted a life of a child's innocent play and forgetable interactions. How then do we interpret the fact that this child was memorialized by hundreds and recognized and mourned by thousands. Her immortaility came not from her achievments but from being a victim.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Selecting an Attorney

The other day a young lady called my office and asked how much we charge to conduct a local purchase closing. I have been conducting title searches and closings for over twenty years so I wonder; does this lady select a car by calling around looking for the cheapest vehicle?

How is it that someone that is buying their largest asset can make the closing attorney selection blindly and solely to save a few bucks. New attorneys are cheap and can save the buyer a hundred bucks. There is no substitute for experience and the knowledge that comes from that experience.

So, if that lady caller ever reads this, I hope that you are able to save money and get everything that you deserve; a cheap attorney.

Championship Thoughts

In 1979 I joined the collection of those that are proud to call themselves UNC graduates. In early March I joined the other UNC fans in proudly celebrating another UNC basketball championship. It is ironic that each of us gets so vested in something that we have so little real connection to. But for a slip of the pen by the admissions officer we would have no connection at all. Yet with this tenuous connection we each get a huge adrenalin rush with each victory and each championship. These are not our children, our parents or even close friend. How do they exercise so much influence over us?

Are we living vicariously through these men that leap, score and defend so well? What is it that gives us such a rush. Whatever we can spend a brief time on Cloud 9 knowing that Carolina is now the Gold Standard for college basketball. UNC graduates its players and ensures that all players feel that they are part of something greater then themselves. They are the UNC basketball family and they will always know that. This program has come to define excellence and we all hope that some of that will rub us on us. Perhaps, in some way, we hope that by association we can feel better about our selves and feel that we too are champions.

Now we wait for the next UNC basketball championship!