Sunday, April 19, 2009

Selecting an Attorney

The other day a young lady called my office and asked how much we charge to conduct a local purchase closing. I have been conducting title searches and closings for over twenty years so I wonder; does this lady select a car by calling around looking for the cheapest vehicle?

How is it that someone that is buying their largest asset can make the closing attorney selection blindly and solely to save a few bucks. New attorneys are cheap and can save the buyer a hundred bucks. There is no substitute for experience and the knowledge that comes from that experience.

So, if that lady caller ever reads this, I hope that you are able to save money and get everything that you deserve; a cheap attorney.

Championship Thoughts

In 1979 I joined the collection of those that are proud to call themselves UNC graduates. In early March I joined the other UNC fans in proudly celebrating another UNC basketball championship. It is ironic that each of us gets so vested in something that we have so little real connection to. But for a slip of the pen by the admissions officer we would have no connection at all. Yet with this tenuous connection we each get a huge adrenalin rush with each victory and each championship. These are not our children, our parents or even close friend. How do they exercise so much influence over us?

Are we living vicariously through these men that leap, score and defend so well? What is it that gives us such a rush. Whatever we can spend a brief time on Cloud 9 knowing that Carolina is now the Gold Standard for college basketball. UNC graduates its players and ensures that all players feel that they are part of something greater then themselves. They are the UNC basketball family and they will always know that. This program has come to define excellence and we all hope that some of that will rub us on us. Perhaps, in some way, we hope that by association we can feel better about our selves and feel that we too are champions.

Now we wait for the next UNC basketball championship!